Search Dog Training

Search Dog Training

SCENT WORK TRAINING /Scentwork UK instructor/

During these sessions we teach your dog to search for a specific scent for fun. It is a great way of mentally stimulating your dog, as well as building their confidence. We will also focus on your handler skills which will help you to communicate better with your dog.

Course: £120, 6 sessions and access to FB group for additional feedback, max number of dogs 4, 1 hour

Workshop: £20, max number of dogs 4, 1 hour

MANTRAILING /GAK9 Sport Trailing Trainer -> read more/

Group session: £30, up to 3 hours

We will train your dog to follow an individual's scent. This is a great activity for any breed or age, even reactive dogs can switch off their environment and focus on the scent they follow. Please note that dogs will be working individually and on a long line during these sessions; whilst the other dogs are resting in the car. Don't worry someone will always stay with the cars. It is important to note that it is essential that you are prepared to hide during these sessions. Not only will this be required for the other dogs working, but it will also ensure that you learn how to correctly reward and interact with the dog at the point of find.

SEARCH & RESCUE (SAR) DOG TRAINING - Air scenting /20+ years operational experience in the SAR dog world/

Pet Dog Air Scenting 

Group session: £30, up to 3 hours

Training your dog to search for a person. We teach your dog to air scent and to find someone hidden and to let you know that they have found. You will learn about scent theory, search techniques, different ways of indications (your dog can tell you that they have found)…and much more. It’s definitely a very unique and rewarding skill that you and your dog will learn.

Please note that dogs are worked individually and off lead during these sessions, whilst the other dogs are waiting for their turn in the car. It is important to note that it is essential that you are prepared to hide during these sessions. Not only will this be required for the other dogs working, but it will also ensure that you learn how to correctly reward and interact with the dog at the point of find.

SAR for Professionals - for those who are planning to be or already are a member of a professional SAR Team

Price: £PoA

About your trainer:

- Dog trainer with 20+ years of experience, specialising in Search & Rescue (SAR); training air scenting dogs
- Training SAR dogs and handlers in numerous countries, including UK, UAE, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary
- Participated in several international USAR exercises as a SAR dog handler/liaison officer
- Attended the Sumatra earthquake in 2009 as a SAR dog handler/liaison officer
- International classifier for International Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO)
- National assessor for Lowland Rescue (LR), UK
- Founder and K9 Lead, Leicestershire Search & Rescue K9 Unit

Please note that dogs are worked individually and off lead during these sessions, whilst the other dogs are waiting for their turn in the car. It is important to note that it is essential that you are prepared to hide during these sessions. Not only will this be required for the other dogs working, but it will also ensure that you learn how to correctly reward and interact with the dog at the point of find.

For more information contact us via email.